Inspiring Artist: Adonna Khare

Adonna Khare is an America Artist who uses carbon pencil on paper. She received her Masters of Fine Art from California State University Long Beach. Adonna draws super realistic animals with some weird twist to them. She inspires me because she is so great at drawing animals. For someone who draws/sculpts animals as well, I really appreciate the way she does it. I also make my animals do weird things with their melting, but it is completely different comparred to Adonna's amazing work. Check out more of Adonna's work on her website: And check out her Facebook Page

"In the Clouds" Adonna Khare 2013
carbon pencil Detail from "Tiger Mural" Adonna Khare carbon pencil "Pear Snails" Adonna Khare 2013 carbon pencil, 11 x 14.